Happy Thanksgiving and Major Update News
Your support has enabled FOCI to evolve, to be the most advanced FOCUS tool.
Your support to FOCI is truly different.
It represents the spark of light in the darkness.
And here is why.
You are supporting our fight against distraction, one of the biggest challenges to our generation, while many companies continuously design their apps to use psychological hacks to get users and children, into distraction loops, even though they know that this constant distraction would undermine our cognitive ability to focus.
We know FOCI has been far from perfect, at least not yet.
And that’s why, your support is so special.
It kept us going. Giving us the chance to continuously improve FOCI, to make FOCI the best weapon against distraction.
So, we can fight for focus.
2nd major AI engine upgrade, will be released alongside with upcoming software update 18, in coming few weeks. iOS first, then android. Its improvement is bigger than the 1st major upgrade last year. FOCI will smell like a new car, with the AI engine upgrade together with 4x performance improvement of the app.
With more than 15,000 backers, generating more than 4 billion data points to train FOCI - we are able to upgrade the AI engine again, to do more accurate inference on about all 6 emotions states. You would feel this dramatic upgrade, with a new revamped records page. We know you will love it.
Best wishes,
Mick & The FOCI Team
Android Download | iOS Download
P.S. If you face any problems with shipment, message me at team@fociai.com and we’ll get it sorted.