Software Update 11 & 12 Combined
Both update 11 and 12 will be combined into a single release, to speed up development scheduling. Adaptive Breath Pacing based on user’s real time states requires a more in depth integration with the current learning algorithm, so it translates into a longer trackway of debugging and rework. For software update 12, we are releasing a new feature called Deep Relaxation.
Deep Relaxation Biofeedback to Reboot
Inspired by several backers’ suggestions, we are applying similar technology as Focus Tuning to help you get into Deep Relaxation, when you are stressed or fatigued, to help you reboot quickly.
How does it work
When you are stressed or fatigued, this disengages the different regions of your brain, and stop you from being focused. What you need to do at the moment is not to keep pushing, which would be counter-productive, but to get into deep relaxation, so that you can reboot quickly.
Similar to Focus Tuning, you can see and hear your Deep Relaxation level. But in this update both focus biofeedback and relaxation biofeedback come with adaptive breathing pacing, to dynamically guide your breathing to the optimal breathing rhythm to help you focus or relax. A word of caution: because the pacing depends on your physiological fingerprint, you would need to allow learning to complete before using it.
Coming up
iOS version for update 11 & 12 is ready will be rolled out early next week, while Android version the week after.
As for update 13, it is coming in February, with Deep work session together with 5 types of distraction alerts. Look forward to telling you more about it in the next update, meanwhile, please keep your suggestions coming!
Best wishes,
Mick & the FOCI Team
If you face any problems with shipment, message me at team@fociai.com and we’ll get it sorted.