Winning iF product design award 2021
We are very thankful to receive the iF product design award 2021.
The very purpose of why we make FOCI is to reverse one of the most detrimental side effects of the Information Age - distractions which affect our ability to think and learn - the very reason for our intelligence, and what makes us different.
We believe with the right tool and techniques, we can reverse the disruptive effects of distraction on our capacity to think and learn.
We believe that technology can help anyone who wants to do well, do well.
FOCI has a long path to go, one which no one has walked before.
But it is not a lonely path, because over 20,000 FOCI users are walking this path with us, giving us feedback, helping us innovate to build the best technology in the world to help people focus.
To them - the people who put their trust in us, we say, “watch us, we won't disappoint".
Best wishes,
Mick & The FOCI Team