The upcoming software update comes with a few upgrades, one of them is a new breathing signal quality metrics. 

As FOCI tracks subtle diaphragmatic breathing patterns, the amount of emotion state data it would track is contingent on wearing the device in the way that best fits you.

Breathing Signal Quality

Previous breathing signal quality metrics had a delay of 10 minutes, which would make it hard for us to improve the way we wear the device, as it lacks more immediate feedback. We have adapted machine learning algorithms to make predictions of current breathing signal quality to help you find the best way to wear the device, that is both comfortable for you and gives very good data.

More updates are coming with closer integration of focus skill training from our training manual, to tackle the improvement of 4 types of focus. 

We have received a lot of helpful and kind feedback, and we are making improvements on the Focus Skill Training Manual based on this feedback. Hoping to send you, in the next 2 weeks, an updated Focus Skill Training Manual, to better use the tech augmentation to boost focus.


Best wishes,

Mick & The FOCI Team

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