SEL Education Technology

SEL increased students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points *
Edge for tomorrow
FOCI transforms the way students learn about emotion with a fun, effective approach to SEL. Our emotion tracking, productivity tracking, focus skills and biofeedback training encourage self-awareness to emotion and emotion regulation.
Whatever tomorrow brings, you’re more than ready for it when you acquire greater self-awareness and self-management through the best SEL technology.

Identify emotion
Emotions are cognitive responses to an event – either internal thought or external (upcoming task, or interaction with another person). Emotions shape our behavior towards work, either motivate us or get us into a state of inaction - procrastination.
FOCI brings in 6 basic emotions, 5 negative emotion states in a quantifiable manner. Taking away the intangibles from SEL - identifying emotion.

Manage emotion
Emotion regulation requires inhibitory control to choose your response or realize that there is another way to solve a problem and stop the initial reaction.
In other words. SEL is dependent upon EF (executive function). And FOCI’s biofeedback provides state of art training to EF and improves the ability to modify involuntary processes such as emotion states or attention consciously.